


Gas spillage prompts different mishaps bringing about both material misfortune and human injuries. The danger of blast, terminating, suffocation depend on their physical properties such poisonous, combustibility, and so forth The quantity of passing because of blast of gas chambers has been expanding as of late. The justification such blast is expected to unacceptable chambers, old valves, destroyed controllers and absence of mindfulness in taking care of gas chambers. The LPG or propane is a combustible combination of hydrocarbon gases utilized as fuel in numerous applications like homes, lodgings, businesses, vehicles, vehicles due to its advantageous properties which incorporate high calorific worth, less smoke, less ash, and pitiful damage to the climate. The LPG leakage detection and alert system presented in this section is a simple method.

* Discrete LED and Buzzer Sound Indication for Gas.

* High Sensitivity - Detects even minor Combustible Gas Leaks


    1. Arduino Nano

    2. MQ-2 gas sensor

    3. LED

    4. Resistor

    5. Buzzer

    6. Breadboard

    7. Jumper cable 


STEP - 1

     Insert the Arduino board and ultrasonic sensor in the breadboard.

STEP - 2

    Spot the buzzer in the breadboard. Interface LEDs one leg (little pin) to the negative and other leg (big pin) to the positive. The resistor must be interface with the LEDs positive leg.

STEP - 3

     Connect the jumper wires as listed below,
        1. Arduino 5V to MQ-2 VCC
        2. Arduino GND to Negative
        3. MQ-2 GND to Arduino Negative
        4. MQ-2 AO to Arduino A5
        5. Resistor to Arduino D-12
        6. Resistor to Arduino D-11
        7. Buzzer Positive to D-10
        8. Buzzer Negative to Negative

STEP - 4
      Upload the source code to the Arduino board.

STEP - 5
     At last the examination is to be tried. In the event that the sensor identifies LPG the red light will shine and ringer additionally will ring in any case the green light will sparkle consistently.


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